
The force is in the children. Only they and their parents are able to change the world. Little movement from the center causes a massive change in orbit. Butterfly effect ... Every story has this power. "

We encourage you to the paper
"Understanding Disability" by Małgorzata Błotnicka.


Zhora spontaneously became a teacher. The Method’s uniqueness has given him a way to abandoning…


Seva is a living lesson about how humility leads to power. Forced to humility by his own body, which is sometimes a obstacle, and…


I met Andrzej in Pulawy at the Day Assistance Center where I was invited to show practically what are the functional integration…


Vova knows more and wants to be useful. So I asked him to write few lessons for my children and for their mothers, together with me…


Little warrior. Even with the beauty of a lion. When we first had lessons, I thought that there was a lot of similarity between Timka and Seva…


Glasha already had a lot of information about herself. That movement is difficult. Often painful. The body does not give up…

Danya (from Łuck)

At each of our meetings I felt a little like I met a different boy. This is the dynamics of change of Danya…


Bogdan – funny, little boy. He watches and learns quickly. Seemingly busy with self- pity and crying. But I sensed a great tension…


Danya’s secret – this is our lesson about. Regardless of where we start and so we always come to this place – Danushka…


Makar It’s a story of his and his mom. She trusted intuition and first taught Makar to see the world with all his senses. How to look…


Tamerlan – the story of a tongue …. Diagnosis – when it is, it facilitates, helps the child in development, or on the contrary…


We met twice – within a month. Each time there was another meeting. Sofia initially distrusted me, then she easily…


We only had three lessons. I asked Mikolaj’s mom permission to share with you these lessons. Maybe someone will need it…

"Our hypothesis is that since there is a pattern of destructive changes made by cerebral palsy in the skeletons of children, it may be possible to create a scheme of preventive activities ... "

Ewa Paszkowska-Demidowska

Children with autism

The motor disability has a different basis, severity and clinical picture. However, when this happens – we know what it is. It’s hard not to notice it or ignore it. A completely different situation is with autism. Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder, which means that the brain itself can develop properly, and its function is impaired. The symptoms of autism are very heterogeneous, vary in intensity, depth and frequency of occurrence. They usually appear after a period of normal functioning of the child. In the case of children with autism, the Feldenkrais Method aims to reduce the anomalies in the development of brain function and ensure the comfort of children in their own bodies.

More about autism in a paper by Malgorzata Blotnicka
"Autistic child as an alien."


I got to know Thayka three years ago – and from that time on, I observe how Thayka is changing. When I met her, she…


Losha is a mystery, one big question mark. Just as we all – but each of us has a different transparency, with less or more…


Writing this text, I am smiling. It’s a good kind of smile – from the inside of me. I had been with Arsen for over a year…

Children write lessons for other children

The way children learn can inspire and teach parents of other children – in helping their children afterwards. When I noticed this, I asked Tania, Seva, Danya, Vova, Zhora … whether they wish to share their experience to help other children. Their joy and pride was limitless. I think that in this part of the page, which is just beginning to get its shape, there is the greatest potential. The path, which will continue to develop.





