
Vova knows more and wants to be useful. So I asked him to write few lessons for my children and for their mothers, together with me. You will find it in a separate tab – children write lessons for other children ….
I have known Vova for two years, with some gaps in between. But I have a long-term relationship with his mother-Julia. She was at all my workshops, which I ran in Kiev. Julia was lying on the mat for hours listening to the movement resonate in her body. She learned to breathe, roll, distinguish right leg from left one…. recognize where the movement starts and how it flows and resounds throughout the body.
Julia learned herself. How is it to be Julia. This is unique being. And when she came back home, they were repeating the lessons with Vova. It was Julia who became the first and most important teacher of Vova ….. So I give her the voice ….