Author: industiadmin
New lessons on our YouTube channel
We have made new lessons of Feldenkrais Method on the basis of Ewa Paszkowska – Demidowska approach on our channel.
June 2018
Interview with Ewa Paszkowska – Demidowska
Interview with Ewa Paszkowska – Demidowska, teacher and practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method. The author of an innovative approach to the Method, including its therapeutic and rehabilitation aspects.
April 2018
Interview with Göran Mörkeberg
Lublin, February 2018
Interview with Alan Questel
Interview made by us with Alan Questel, during the workshop of Feldenkrais Method conducted by him in Lublin in February 2018. The workshop was divided into a general development part devoted to parents and therapists of children with neurological problems. The interview was made in a rather spontaneous way in the field of our research on the method, where Alan has always helped us a lot.
23, 25 March 2018, Lublin
Voice emission workshop
We invite you to the Kamil Dominiak workshop – get to know yourself, get to know the strength of your voice.
The innovative formula of the workshops consists in combining the lessons of awareness through movement with work on the voice emission and the body expression.
The workshop will focus on exploring the individual resources of our personal expressive skills, which in a natural way will alleviate, and over time, reduce stress and shock associated with self-presentation and awaken the previously unknown comfort of life, or … deepen the existing one.
first meeting with Kamil already in March !!!
the dates of the workshops
March 23
04.00 – 09.00 p.m.
March 25
10.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
the workshops price
Friday workshop – PLN 120
Sunday workshop – PLN 150
for students, we provide a discount of 90 and 120 PLN
More information about our teacher:
Kamil Dominiak
He graduated from the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw (2011) and the Drama Summer School course: Acting in Musical Theater at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. After successfully passing exams, he joined the last phase of training for voice teachers in Estill Voice Training.
As an actor, he worked with musical theaters all over the country, performing, among others, in “Shrek” musicals “The Rocky Horror Show”, “Jerry Springer – The Opera”, “La Cage aux Folles”, Sweeney Todd. “A demonic barber from Fleet Street”. Currently, he can be seen at the Musical Theater in Łódź in the musical “Les Miserables”, directed by Zbigniew Macias in the role of Enjorlas.
Kamil conducts classes on voice and musical singing at the Theater Academy in Warsaw and Bialystok.
Personally, he loves traveling to London.
27-29 April 2018, Lublin
Breathing, feet, eyes…
Feldenkraisworkshop in Lublin, April 2018 with Göran Mörkeberg, Sweden
This workshop will focus on breathing, feet and eyes. (mostly on breathing and vison) During these days we will in a gentle and interesting way explore how our EYES and BREATHING influences the rest of ourselves.
Everyone knows that without breathing we can´t live, but what very few people aren’t aware of is that the way we breath influences our whole body and how we live our lives.
It can among many other things influence the way we stand and uses our feet. And there is also a connection between our feet and our eyes.
Eyes and feet have some things in common; we take them for granted and don´t take care of them. The feet we put into prisons (tight socks and shoes that aren’t made for feet’s but to look nice) Eyes are forced to stare at mobile phones, computer screens, TV. s all day long. And we give them support that they often don´t need.
When it comes to the eyes we don´t realize that we need to use them, there are 7 different muscles that moves each eye which needs to be used. When our eyesight gets worse we get glasses, but sometimes what our eyes need is movement. The same with feet, when we have pain in the feet we often get shoes with more support which weakens the feet instead of moving them to make them stronger.
We will use Feldenkrais exercises to highlight these connections and I am looking forward to introducing you to the exciting world of Feldenkrais and show you how we can learn to breath, stand and see better in a pleasant and nice way.
See you in Lublin and I will help you improve your vison, balance and breathing.
Göran Mörkeberg
[email protected]
opening hours
27/04 Friday 16:00 – 21:00
28/04 Saturday 10:00 – 17:00
29/04 Sunday 10: 00-17: 00
price PLN 650
individual lessons
26/04 afternoon and 27/04 afternoon hours – price for an individual lesson 200 PLN
23 - 25 February 2018, Lublin
Workshops of the Feldenkrais Method
How is it working ..? How does conscious movement change the whole system?
This time we will look at emotions that give us strength to act, or vice versa – that prevent us from acting.
Can movement affect emotions and is it possible to generate a sense of strength and confidence in yourself by increasing self-awareness?
Can the depression states be eliminated by better contact with the body, and therefore with ourselves?
These and other questions we will try to answer … in our own bodies.
We will take a look at the relationship between the loss of communication with the body and the lack of trust in ourselves, in a sense of dependence and helplessness …
We will look for a return path to purselves.
The workshop will take place this weekend February 23-25
Friday 16-21
Saturday 10-17
Sunday 9-14
price 650 PLN
6-8, 10-11 February 2018, Lublin
Workshops by Alan Questel
Alan Questel method trainer, disciple of Moshe Feldenkrais arrives to Lublin with exceptional workshops.
The uniqueness of the first workshop is in the fact that it is dedicated to children with disabilities and their parents and physiotherapists. For three days, Alan will be showing the tools offered by the Feldenkrais Method in the treatment of children with disabilities and developmental disorders. This part is planned as very practical, it will give specific tools to support children in their development. A kind of therapy without being a therapy. During the workshop, Alan also provides individual lessons with individual children, enabling parents and therapists to present specific problems and ask questions.
The second two-day workshop named “What if? Could you adapt ?!” is of general development nature and is addressed to everyone. At the same time, it perfectly complements the first workshop.
An additional 2 days stay in Lublin is planned by Alan to individual functional integration lessons for children who need them particularly (the number of places is limited, parents – participants of the workshops have priority).
Workshop oriented on children and their parents
Place of the workshop:
Poland, Lublin, 6 Warmińska Street
Dates of the workshop:
6-7-8- February
The workshop starts every day at 10 am and ends at 5 pm with a half-hour lunch break
Price PLN 1000
Tickets available at:
Workshop II general development
Dear guests! The second Alan Questel’s workshop (the general one) has changed its localtion to
Hala Mosir, Sala do Tenisa Stołowego, al. Zygmuntowskie 4, Lublin 🙂All are invited!
Dates of the workshop:
10-11 – February
The workshop starts every day at 10 am and ends at 5 pm with a half-hour lunch break
Price 500 PLN
Tickets available at:
Individual consultation -4-5 February
Consultation price – 50 USD per hour
Work with children with different needs
Children with different needs require different types of attention and interaction.
During this workshop, we will work with children and on the basis of this we will understand better how to create the right conditions for learning, development and growth for children.
We will look at different types of contact, functional thinking, play and learning.
Together, we find new ways of approach and interaction
What if? Could you adapt ?!
And what if you had a million dollars … and what if you met a partner of your dreams … and what if you could do anything you want?
“And what if” were the words that used to be constantly in my dreams. Until I broke my leg while skiing. I quickly discovered a deeper meaning in the famous words of Moshe Feldenkrais: “Movement is life and life is unthinkable without movement.”
And what if you could not do what you want … What if you were limited by some unforeseen accident … what if your movement possibilities would be dramatically reduced?
During this workshop, you will discover how using the Feldenkrais method “Awareness Through Movement” can transform what is impossible into what is easy. You will understand how the restriction can become a tool to take new actions. You will see how a glass that seems half empty is half filled with new possibilities.
“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve process quality and improve quality of life. ”
Moshe Feldenkrais
15-17 December 2017, Lublin
“How to use the Feldenkrais Method” in Ewa Paszkowska – Demidowska’s
The course is aimed at all those who want to grow with the Method and use it practically at work and in everyday life. The course is a closed cycle of workshops, ending with a certificate confirming the number of overworked ATMs and acquired skills in practical use of ATM. The first edition – no longer available.
We create a list for the second edition.
Next dates of the first edition:
December 15-17, 2017
January 19-21, 2018
February 23-25 2018
March 16-18, 2018
April 13-15, 2018
18-20 May, 2018
15-17 June 2018
Time and place
Venue: Harmonya club, ul. Warmińska 6, Lublin
9-10 December 2017, Lublin
“Looking for myself”
A cycle of two-day open development workshops. Everyone can join us.
Another deadline: 6-7 January 2018
Feel free to join us.