Danya (from Łuck)
At each of our meetings I felt a little like I met a different boy. This is the dynamics of change of Danya. And this is primarily in the emotional, intellectual zone. And the impression that he himself was most surprised by it. The lessons we had together were all family lessons. Because Danya was always accompanied by the parents and younger brother. These were lessons – questions: teach us Danya, how can we help you more effectively?
At each of our meetings I felt a little like I met a different boy. This is the dynamics of change of Danya. And this is primarily in the emotional, intellectual zone. And the impression that he himself was most surprised by it. The lessons we had together were all family lessons. Because Danya was always accompanied by the parents and younger brother.
These were lessons – questions: teach us Danya, how can we help you more effectively? The non-integrated letter C made every move, rolling, changing positions, or move attempt of Danya increasingly block his head. It made breathing difficult. It increased spastic. So lifting and moving the pelvis to unlock his head. What increased breathing problems. The tongue was furtherly blocked and hindered. For each of my questions, Danya responded: breath, breath … Lessons that, with my minimal help, fit in the template of the lessons of Seva and Timka previously.
Like all others, but somehow similar – because they talk about the same. How to teach the nervous system a different motion patterns. Where to look for a place in the body that begins the process of bending and twisting the spine by blocking the head and making breathing difficult. Or maybe breath is a problem. Maybe it’s blocked diaphragm. Our lessons have changed into questions. I asked him another question: feel Danya, will not it be easier this way? Compare. Select. Do not rush. You can always return to an earlier variant. His parents looked closely at our lessons. They learned quickly. In the interval between our next meetings they did the same.
They helped Danya to roll, or sit down, or reach for an object – not just to do it, but to find the easier way to do it today. A different path. For me, it was amazing to watch, that what I had been learning for years, is easily and naturally assimilated by his mother. As she unknowingly takes over the role of being the first therapist for her child. Soon I will meet with them again. . I will tell you about this meeting.